How to clean a leather wallet

Views : 373
Update time : 2023-04-01 16:10:28

How to remove stains on your leather wallet

Nail polish remover/rubbing alcohol: This is an amazing way to get rid of ink stains, and scuffs. If you dip a cotton swab in nail polish remover, or rubbing alcohol, then you should lightly blot the stain on your mens leather wallet. Don’t rub it – because this can make the ink spread. It’s important to blot gently the leather wallet until the stain is removed. It’s good to wipe the leather wallet with a clean, damp cloth, and then dry it with a towel.

Baking Soda: If there is clean oil, or grease stains, then you should sprinkle baking soda, or cornstarch on the spot where the stain is. Rub it in, gently, and then with a damp cloth. After that, you should let the leather wallet sit for a few hours, or even leave it overnight.

Lemon Juice/Cream of Tartar: Mix equal parts of both of them into a paste. Apply this paste to a stained area, and then let this sit on the leather wallet for 30 minutes. You should use a damp cloth to remove the paste. Lemon juice, and cream of tartar, have a bleaching effect so you should only use this on light colored leather.

Once you get your leather wallet clean, apply condition to keep it from drying out + cracking. This will also make it resistant to future stains on the leather wallet. You can also buy a commercial leather conditioner to improve it. You should apply it to leather, and let it sit for 15 minutes, and then buff it with a soft cloth, until the leather is shining